Career Coaching With Soul


Hello & Welcome!

I’m Manelle Connelly, a Soul-Purpose and Career Coach based in Melbourne, Australia.

From architect to recruitment consultant, to career and soul-purpose coach, I have mastered the art of re-inventing myself to align with my natural-born talents and my soul calling.

With each reinvention I have been stripped from fear, self-doubt, cultural and social conditioning that was keeping me small. In its place a more authentic version of myself has emerged and life has become more joyful, fulfilling and most importantly, FUN!

But this wasn’t always the case. Like many professionals, I hustled and pushed my way through various jobs, various career paths, surviving rather than thriving. Until I physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually couldn’t take it any more! My heart, soul and body yearned for something more aligned, authentic and enjoyable. So I had to take myself on a long journey of self-discovery and soul-exploration to get me to where I am today.

I bet that because you have landed here, you’re currently feeling lost, confused and not sure what you want, except you know that where you’re working and what you’re doing now just isn’t “you” anymore. You want more! You want to feel joy, fulfillment and a sense of purpose in what you do each day. You want to wake up each day excited and inspired! You want to be one of those people whose work feels more like fun! Right?

If so, then you’re in the right place! My mission is to empower you to discover, own and fulfill your true soul-calling so what you do every day feels authentic, joyful and meaningful. It is time for YOU to be the unique and wonderful person that you were born to be!

You have in your cells intelligence that already knows your full potential. You already know precisely who you are and what you were born to do in this lifetime.
My job is to guide you to the TRUTH of what this is so you can embody it and serve the world from your Soul!
— Manelle

where are you right now?


new job

Are you feeling a bit lost and uninspired with where you’re at in your current role and have no idea what this is?

This 3 week Journey will give you the clarity, support and guidance that you are seeking. We will take a deep dive into your career and get clarity on what you love doing, what your value-add is for a company and what roles to look for.

Walk away from this Journey with an updated and more authentic Resume, a clear understand of roles to apply for, and the assurance of knowing you have a professional career coach in your corner who you can rely on to guide you towards making your next job change.


new career

Have you fallen out of love with your current career and need a complete change but don’t know where to begin?

This 6 week program is designed to help you pivot from one career to another that is more aligned to your passions, values, experience, skills and strengths.

Whether you are transitioning from the corporate sector to the healing arts, or from the nursing to working in the design sector, your passion-aligned career change is possible with the guidance, coaching, mindset shifts and transformation you will experience on this exciting and life changing Journey!


your calling

Do you know what your deepest passion and joy is but have been too afraid or doubtful to make it your reality?

This 12 week program is for you! Maybe you’ve had a successful career up until this point but you can feel, deep down, that isn’t what you are meant to be doing anymore. Or perhaps you’re in a point of transition in your life where you need to re-invent yourself more authentically but you have no idea where to start, and the thought of it makes you all kinds of anxious and confused.

This Journey will help you to fully accept, own and fulfill what you have been born to do rather than what you've been told to do. It will help you pivot from a career to your Soul Calling. You will leave this program earning a living doing what you love to do!


create consciously


live authentically


love your life


create consciously 〰️ live authentically 〰️ love your life 〰️

client results

Manelle Connelly helped me through such a rough patch, feeling a bit lost and uninspired with where I was at in my current role and career. I reached out to her to seek some guidance and support, and was absolutely blown away by her wisdom, passion and awareness around career building, different roles and pathways, and really, how to align yourself with your passions and next steps.

After just one conversation, I felt so motivated by Manelle and within a couple of weeks I had found my dream role. She helped me to revisit my resume, understand what to look out for in terms of organisations and roles that might suit me, and encouraged me when I’d found a position that felt like the perfect one to apply for.

If you’re feeling a little unsure of where to go next in your work life, I could not recommend Manelle more. She is such a breath of fresh air, her vibrancy and energy is so infectious and she’s supported me in a way that no words can even explain - I’m now starting off 2023 in an incredible job in an organisation that truly aligns with my purpose and values, and I have to thank Manelle hugely for that.
— Ashley
Before working with Manelle I felt unsure and fearful of the unknown. I knew I wanted to be an illustrator, I just didn’t think I could do it. I was scared of not being able to handle it all, that I’d be in over my head and not do a good job. However, after completing the Soul Calling Journey, emotionally I feel more confident in moving towards the unknown. I thought it would have to have been a massive leap of faith but it’s been a mostly gentle flow and some nudges along the way. I have felt really supported through the process.
Mentally, Manelle taught me how to converse with the universe sooo well! They way she teaches to ask for something has really helped opportunities to open up because I’m not so stuck on things having to be a certain way.
Spiritually, I feel supported by life and can better commune with life versus thinking I’ve got to do it all myself.
I would definitely recommend Manelle for soul calling and career coaching!

Thank you soooo much Manelle for an amazing few months! It’s been a very supportive journey
— Kate
Manelle is an amazing intuitive coach! Manelle helped me overcome and change some limiting beliefs I had around money, business, and what is possible for me in my life. I noticed a big shift even after the first session and look at things totally different now, and honestly don’t feel like those old beliefs affect me anymore. Manelle absolutely loves what she does and its clear that this work is what she is meant to be doing in this lifetime.
— stephanie